Why was this so complicated? So much of developing with Gutenberg is simply finding all of the necessary bits of information to bring it all together. The official documentation is a little sparse on the RadioControl front. It seems directed more towards the core developers. Which, is fine, but I think it’s really cool and want to use it too.

The first question: how do we get this component added to our block? Here, the official documentation is helpful.

import { RadioControl } from '@wordpress/components';

Next, we need to add an attribute to the block to store the value of the RadioControl. Here, the documentation wasn’t very clear. What type of attribute should it be? What other arguments might it need?

Also, how is a default value set? The documentation stresses the need to have one. It is simply though the default argument, and then the slug of the radio option.

attributes: {
radio: {
type: 'string',
default: 'option-one',

Very simple in hindsight, but hard to figure out when an example is hard to come by.

Now, on to actually adding the RadioControl to the block. Inside of the edit function, and inside of InspectorControls, we add a RadioControl.

label={__('Radio control', 'textdomain')}
help="Description of radio control"
selected={ radio }
options={ [
{ label: 'Option One', value: 'option-one' },
{ label: 'Option Two', value: 'option-two' },
] }
onChange={ ( option ) => { setAttributes( { radio: option } ) } }

In the component documentation, it uses setState to store the updated option. Here, I’m using setAttributes. In order to use setAttributes like this, it needs to be defined. At the top of the edit function, we can bring it in with the radio attribute we created.

const { attributes: { radio }, setAttributes } = props;

The last piece here is using the radio value in the block itself, both in the edit and save function. The attribute only stores the slug of the option selected, so we can check that value using a conditional statement.

{ radio && radio === 'option-one' && (
// set class name, include element, etc. here

Strangely, most of this came together for me from reviewing the InspectorControls component on GitHub. So, if you’re still missing a piece of this puzzle, or need a look at the bigger picture, that might be a good place to look.